And when I’m not in a relationship I crave for it. This has been a constant issue for me for a long time I don’t even know why.

Currently I (21F) am dating a friend (22M) for less than a year. We are both moody and sensitive which leads to us breaking up and patching often. He’s a really nice guy who constantly makes me laugh and helps me whenever I require. Idk why he likes me since I’m below average in pretty much every aspect I can think of. Regardless I enjoy being with him. But at the same time I don’t want to be with him either.

Like if he calls me for a date I readily accept and when we make out I feel good. But as soon it’s over and by myself again at room I feel like I want to breakup with him. Like I want to be alone.

I never tell him I love him, I never call him on dates etc.
I even told him that we would only date until we graduate (just a year left) to which he agreed. And yet sometimes I feel bad knowing I’m going to miss him. But I don’t want to be with him either.

I don’t know really know what’s the point of this post but I really hope anyone could help me understand what Is wrong with me

  1. This may or may not be right but you don’t have much to lose by checking: look up “Relationship OCD” and let me know if it matches what you’re feeling.

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