I (36F) just started OLD and there have been some people that I think are great, make me a bit nervous, and that I was interested in as people. But I don’t necessarily feel attracted to them after 2 or 3 dates. Should I give it more time, or move on? I don’t have a good benchmark unfortunately. Past relationships (ranging 1-5 years in length) have always started either with a huge spark/ instant connection or me pursuing the other person. Would love to know your thoughts, especially folks also in their 30s!

  1. I (37F)went on a date with a guy(44M) in Nov. there was no spark, and we mutually agreed to be friends.
    Then randomly he invited me over for dinner one night and we have been together since.
    The chemistry (physical, emotional, spiritual) is nothing like either of us has ever experienced before.
    I think the universe works in mysterious ways, i would say dont force anything. If you don’t feel it move on , and if it’s meant to be it will work out on it’s own ❤️
    Good luck 🍀

  2. They make you “nervous” and you aren’t “attracted to them.”

    That isn’t the basis of a good relationship, no matter how likeable a person seems. I want to feel comfortable, and desire the person, I’m in a relationship with.

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