I asked my friend for help with my college paper, and we sort of spent a lot of time on it. I feel a little bad, since I didn’t think it would take as long as it did, but basically I was wondering if it would make him feel uncomfortable if I got him a 25$ gift card? I rlly don’t want to make him feel bad, so yeah.

  1. You are very thoughtful and kind. Another suggestion would be to take him to dinner and pay for his meal.

  2. Yeah i would suggest treating them to dinner, or brunch, or surprise them with some coffee and a croissant. Paying them may make them feel weird. Also, the fact that your even asking may suggest that you recognize that paying them maybe strange. I myself struggle with accepting help from friends. So I express my gratitude in thoughtful ways so they know how much it meant to me.

  3. You can do a thank you gift such as that. You guys can go out to eat to grab some dinner like the others are suggesting. It’s very kind of you to show appreciation for your friends and if he rejects the gift don’t take it personally he sees you as a friend and that what friends do for each other

  4. Take him out for beers and food instead to say thanks. A 25 gift card is just weird and tacky . He’s your friend not a stranger and that’s cheap if you were gonna pay

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