Im a 15f. My stepmom bought a dog for my sister, my dad isn’t too much involved with the dog. Basically she hits my dog for things like barking or even when grooming. I held my tounge because although I feed the dog, take it out even when raining, its not my dog. Today I finally asked why and she proceeded to yell at me telling me that I don’t pay bills and blah blah blah and that the door is right there. I proceeded to tell her that she’s bullying me because she’s yelling in my face about something so insane. I used the word bullying because anytime someone disagrees with her she automatically starts yelling in their face. I don’t know how I should approach this. Whats the best way to continue the peace?

TL;DR – My stepmom is yelling at me because I don’t agree with hitting our dog

  1. You don’t need to explain here, but some points for you to privately consider include;

    Why is your dad allowing this?

    Other than the dog, think about what might have changed in the last few months. What’s so stressful that she’s snapping?

    Do you have access to a school counselor?

    Eta. You say she bought the dog for your sister but then say your dog. Same dog? Did the dog choose you? There may be a stress point there, if the sister thinks you “took” the dog’s affection.

  2. Where do you live? In a place where animal abuse is frowned upon? In that case, report her for animal abuse.
    Also, you made a post a month ago where you said that you’re 15?

  3. “Dogs don’t understand why you are hitting them. If you want the dog to do something you have to train it to do that behavior. If that’s to go to the bathroom outside, then you need to train it to go to the bathroom outside, if you don’t reward it for going to the bathroom outside it never learns that that is where you want it to go. It’s getting hit for going inside but it isn’t being taught the alternative behavior so it stresses out the dog but doesn’t teach the dog what you actually want it to do.”

    I have a dog trainer that has a big sign in her dog studio that says **”what do you WANT the dog to do, and how do you TEACH the dog to do it.” If you don’t teach/train the dog the behaviors that you do want, you can’t get mad at it for doing other behaviors, it literally doesn’t know what your rules are if you don’t teach it the correct behaviors.

    I targeted a single issue in this post. You mentioned a handful of issues (the issue of the dog, the issue of the yelling, the issue of the broken relationship ect) in this post but we would need more detail into each one to give more advise. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Record her and press charges against her for animal abuse. Find a good friend that will take you in and seek your school counselor for this.. see if they can get you to file as an independent teen. So you can cut ties with them. And take the dog wirh you find a job at 16 and help the family who takes you in.

  5. I’d record your step mothers behavior and show it to your dad. If this fails then I’d suggest asking your dad why he feels that his partner is more important than your relationship with him.

  6. You should call the police on her for animal abuse the next time she hits your dog since she wants to dump all the responsibility on you to protect and care for the dog

    You’d only be doing what she told you to do anyways ;3
    Taking care of the dog
    By calling the cops on the abuser

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