Until today I was falsely and confidently under the impression that Gore/Bush and Trump/Hillary were the only times the winner of the popular vote lost the electoral college. Not only is that statement completely false, but this 1876 election was also nuts. I can’t believe I don’t remember this from school, or that this wasn’t talked about more during the dispute we just had in 2020.

I recommend reading about it further, but first, there were controversial disenfranchisement measures taken against black republican voters.

Second, after the votes were in 20 electoral votes from 4 states were disputed, where both the Republicans and Democrats had agreed they won. They ended up compromising and letting the Republican Hayes win, but on the condition he would withdraw troops from Southern states, effectively ending Reconstruction.

I can’t believe I didn’t know about this. Do other people not know about this or am I a fucking idiot?

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  2. Yes, everyone gets mad at me when I say it but in latter half of the 19th Century the level of corruption was insane, higher than today’s America for sure.

  3. Fairly well. I recommend anyone interested in learning more about the Civil War & and Reconstruction to check out Yale’s David Blight’s open / free course lecture series:


    More relevantly, here’s the three lectures he covers the latter end of the conventional set date of Reconstruction:




    There’s also a shorter lecture by James M. McPherson


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