so I work in an office, fairly standard cubicle set up. nice office blah blah. only issue I have is the washroom situation.
we have two bathrooms located at the front of our office space near the main entry point in extremely close proximity to everyone’s desk. I can hear people pee, flush, whatever. I have severe IBS so when I poop it’s at super sonic volume and super gross smelling.
There is another bathroom after the door, it’s visible. When I pee I use the office bathroom, when I poo I use the other bathroom.
The horrible part is that everyone can see me walk over to the other bathroom with the glass walls.
What’s worse: pooping and everyone smelling it OR going to the bathroom everyone assuming I’m pooping and everyone knowing how often I poop.
Also I need to add we can use any of the toilet spray because we’re a scent free office. Mind you, imma leave a scent if I poop but I digress.
Tell me reddit what’s worse?

  1. This is hilarious to me OP. Thankfully everyone poops. There’s always the option of using the other bathroom for both peeing and pooping. If you tend to go often your coworkers probably just think you’re slacking off anyway!! Who knows how many of them notice at all? I know it’s scented, but maybe you can also use something discreet like poopourri spray for the smell. Good luck with your pooping situation

  2. maybe try carrying around a small can of scent free ozium? super potent and you’ll only need a small amount for small room.

  3. _r/LifeProTip always courtesy flush, (flush at the same time you’re dropping the kids off at the pool), to help disguise the noise and take some of the scent along with it._

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