Starting late September I had started dating this girl. The catch to it, is that we had an hour and 20 minute distance. Even though that was the case we still would make it work by seeing each other every friday (the day we had both had off) and occasionally an extra day if we could squeeze it in due to us having jobs and our own shit. Anyways though, we made it work on the days we couldn’t see each other by facetime, texting throughout the day, playing video games with each other, and I was okay with this because I knew at the end of the day I would still at least get one day of the week with her to see her and hangout. 3 days ago she broke up with me, she told me it was because of the distance. Today I decided to hit her up I was in my feelings and told her “I miss you” we started texting today and she told me she still loves me and that i’m not even a friend that im more than that. She told me she would want to try again but needs some time to think, so my question for y’all is was this dumb of me to try and get her back and to give her time to think, or should have I just let her be? Because personally I believe that the distance could be worse and if i’m willing to make an effort to try and be able to see her more even thought i get my license nov 30 i believe that her and i could work but I need other thoughts on this situation.

TDLR: was in relationship, she broke up wit me, now i’m trying to get her back

  1. The distance is clearly a problem for her, even though you see it otherwise. I’ve learned it the hard way, she is not you, so don’t assume that if sth is okay for you, it will be okay for someone else. You are 2 different people.

    One of you might consider relocation, if the relationship is really worth it. You can suggest this idea. Apart from that, don’t chase. She might use the distance as an excuse to exit the relationship. She finished the relationship, so let her fix it or walk away.

  2. It’s barely been a month. If she’s breaking up with you and “needs time to think” after just three weeks of dating, she’s clearly not that into it and you should stop pursuing her because your best case scenario here is a reluctant partner with one foot out of the door.

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