Basically the title.

As a little background, I’ve been seeing this girl for a bit and we’re currently 12 weeks into our first pregnancy together and I just bought an engagement ring to surprise her with not too long ago. But then this situation came up and it scares me.

She had BPD and has trouble letting people go so I’ve grown to just ignore when she texts most of her exes because she’s with me and she’s not the type of person to cheat. And honestly, most of them are decent guys. However one of them in particular gets on my nerves. He’s one of her older friends and they dated for a week but were better off as friends according to her.

When we found out she was pregnant, she shared the news on snap. Shortly after, he confessed his love for her and she told me about it after.

I thought everything was okay up until this morning when I saw her snapping him while we were cuddling. I don’t wanna be a snoop, and although we both have passwords to each other’s phones, I’ve never felt the need to use hers but I feel really tested today. The fact that she’s continuing to talk to someone who doesn’t respect that’s she’s not only in a relationship, but also pregnant worries me. I don’t know how to communicate that it makes me uncomfortable, but at the same time also not be controlling because I don’t want her to feel like I have a say in who she can or can’t talk to (because I don’t).

She’s received two that she hasn’t opened, but I’m scared to get up and come back to see she did and responded again. I could just really use some advice…

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