Me and my ex work at the same place, and broke up due to his disrespect. He pursued me for over a year , but would cancel date last min to hang out with guys, after promising me to spend the day together and would not invite me to hang out at the coffee spot telling me his friends didnt like my type a lot as Im introverted and they think Im bigheaded. Then, I started to distance myself and he got jealous of me having a coffee with someone and asked for a photo of him. I declined saying that was so possesive and he stopped talking to me for a whole month, he distanced me as If I commited a crime, punishing me with silence and ignoring my existence. When I approached saying sorry, he said he wasnt ready to forgive me, was very busy, and didnt have time for me, so I had to wait. I texted him some weeks later, he always replies, but coldly . Told him I always loved him and he said he didnt know I had such strong feelings, but I told him he treated me like crap and made me feel unworthy and abandoned and then I blocked him.

After 3-4 months of no contact he started staring at me, I unblocked him as Im out of rage, and still remember good stuff from him, but he didnt text me. He sees my stories (I dont get why) and says good morning at work , but doesnt come to my office or wants to talk. Yesterday, I phoned him late at night, told him I missed him and he said he didnt get why the call came so late, asked how my family was, I told him I wanted to talk in person and explain all and he said ok , but didnt approach me the next morning. So, do I meet him? I still love him. He replies to my texts, never initiates and recently is flirting with another girl in front of me, looking happy and unbothered. I phoned him regarding work today and asked him “did you say kiss when you hang up (he did) ” and he replied “nah it was just your mind”. At the same time, advises me to stay calm at work and paid for my coffee once. Is he trying to be nice or he still has feelings and wants me to chase ? I dont get it as I said sorry for calling him possesive, he acted busy, ignored me and didnt even try to talk to me in person, I even told him I loved him (and thats what he wanted to hear) and he just ghosts me like that? Was he expecting for me to ask to meet him or he never loved me in the first place and got bored?

1 comment
  1. It doesn’t look like he respects you now or is even interested. Forget about him and move on.

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