Hey all, I’ll try to keep it short but first some back story.

I’ve known her for several years now and we’ve shared multiple bible studies. I’ve had a crush on her, but she had been seeing someone else for years so I left it be. 2 weekends ago I found out she had been single since May when I came across her dating profile, then this last weekend we were going to go on a sunrise group hike right off a major lake. We carpooled and I drove out there with her. Nobody else showed up so we spent two hours walking up and down the beach, skipping rocks, and getting deep with one another. I had started getting a feeling that she was interested that morning, and that feeling had been growing more and more until last night. She’s very bold, which I appreciate, but we are getting together tonight to cook a meal and watch an older Halloween movie.

I like her a lot, and I’m very hopeful that this may go somewhere. I’m both very excited and nervous all rolled into one. What I’m wondering is basically how should I approach this tonight. If this is my shot I just don’t want to mess it up.


  1. All you can do is not worry about what you could do wrong, but let your personality be enabled by the leverage that the feeling of her liking you provides. That will give you confidence, and that is all you need

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