Long story short I started nursing school full time in 2021. I kept working the same job but went down to 3 days a week and was still able to keep my insurance (and my insurance was amazing).

This past April I stopped working at my husband’s suggestion and he “pays” me the approximate amount I made so I can pay my tuition, and I also pay our trash bill and buy groceries with it too (the majority of groceries is bought with “his” money though). We have always kept our accounts separate but all our money is considered our money, not one person’s.

His insurance is terrible. It has a $14,000 deductible and does not offer copays for any type of service. Also no dental. His company does give $2,000 a year on a HSA card but between 3 people that goes fast. In fact my husband had a bit over $5,000 on his card saved up over the years and I went through all of that in 6 months. I have a lot of health needs: biweekly counseling, psychiatrists appointments, I was just diagnosed with lupus, and need to have periodontal surgery.

He has been complaining about having to pay so much to me, and that the hsa card is used up and he has some dental work he needs done and now there’s no money available. (Side note I was open with him about how expensive all my care is).

I feel like I need to go back to work and get my insurance back and take the financial pressure off of my husband. My previous employer loved me and didn’t want me to leave and told me I am always welcome back. In fact they hope I work for them once I get my RN license.

I’ve reached out to them and they have given me a job offer, but my husband thinks it’s a very bad idea. I really want to accept it.

His reasons: 1. Our daughter will get less time with me, but she will get more time with him and her grandma. 2. He and I won’t have as much time together.

He would never tell me I “can’t” do something, but I want to be a good partner. I don’t know what the right choice is. I know people on the internet don’t know the right choice for me, but maybe they can help me gain some perspective.

1 comment
  1. Nursing school is no joke! It also is quite unlike most degrees and makes other degrees look like a cakewalk. I have a couple other degrees and took chemistry and engineering courses prior to nursing and it was far, far easier. Are you sure you can handle it with your health issues and the strain of employment? I ask because I could not have done so.

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