In the beginning stages of dating, have you ever set up any of the initial dates? If you did, what did you do?

  1. Yes of course I did many times. With my now husband, we sort of co-planned our first date- I suggested the restaurant and he suggested the pub to meet in beforehand. We did not make reservations so there was no further setting up required. But I think he initially asked me. Then I think he planned our second date – again just inviting me to a restaurant so not really ‘setting up’. I planned some of our subsequent dates – a concert, dinner, cinema. I think with most people I’ve dated we have sort of taken it in turns to suggest/plan dates.

  2. For our first date, I asked him to go climb trees with me in the park. We got gas station coffee and climbed trees in the park.

  3. I set up the “first” date (there were two months of dates where we were still just friends… yeah, who were we kidding.) I invited him to go yarn shopping and then back to my apartment to learn how to crochet. We had previously discussed is interest in learning and my willingness to teach. He set up the next two – a concert and another lesson. We talked about getting ice cream at lesson #2 but my parents came through town and took us out for lunch, so while he was away the next week on a trip I asked if I could buy him that ice cream when he got back. He accepted and we had the let’s see where this goes discussion over said ice cream. (We’ve retroactively established that the earlier dates were in fact dates.)

  4. It was sort of a date, I bartend and I wanted to get to know him somewhere I was comfortable and with liquid courage available, so I invited him over for a night of cocktails at my place. He was a friend of my housemate so my home is somewhere we were both comfortable hanging out.

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