So we talked for 2 weeks before our date and he was nice and sweet. Date was amazing. He paid for it and already told me things like next date we can do this and that. I was interested and we did talk a lot and also laughed.

We were awkward for the first 5 mins then we went back to normal.

The day of the date after an hour he texted me saying that he really enjoyed getting to know me. I said the same and gave the same energy.

He asked me if i wanted to meet him next week after 3 hours after our first date and i said yes. I got no response after.

Was that my turn to reach out to him? He is on my social media. He was active, clearly. He even liked my pic 4 days after i posted it. The day of the date he didnt reach out and said nothing. He looked at my story though. My friends said it’s desperate for me to reach out. I didn’t reach out.

Tl;dr: He asked me if i want to meet again and i said yes and he didnt respond to that. Was i supposed to say something after or was he not interested anymore?

  1. It’s unclear what actually happened here. Did he ask if you wanted to meet him sometime next week and then never reached back out after you said yes? Or did you actually make arrangements for a specific day? Did you reach out to him to confirm plans?

  2. So youre not even gonna ask him out? Youre just gonna sit there doing nothing? How do you know hes ghosting you if you havent reached out?

  3. If you want to go on another date with this guy then you need to be direct with him. Send him another text and say “hey did you want to get together this week, I’m free Wednesday night. we can go do (activity he mentioned on precious date).”

    This next section might get me downvoted as I’m going off an assumption I’m making, but I saw your “I didn’t want to double text” and paired it with your “my last text was “yes” (assuming it’s a one word text).

    I rolled my eyes remembering the dumb dating games people play. Just communicate openly. Quit playing these “he has to be the one to text first” or “I can’t double text and will go days of no contact not to break that rule.” It’s immature and unhealthy for a meaningful relationship. If you want to date him, text, call, and tell him that.

    The biggest turn off when I was in college was girls who 1. Wouldn’t text first. 2. Regularly texted one word replies. (That turned into a deal breaker for me) 3. Expected the guy to do the brunt of the relationship/date planning. Dating should be a 50/50 and if you aren’t putting in your side of the effort it’s a turnoff.

    I have to ask if you are the type of person who does these types of dating games. I’m making an assumption of course, but from my own experience, I stopped talking to/“ghosted” multiple girls in college for exactly these reason and I know other guys did too. I sat in a frat room listening to 20 other guys ranting about the exact same thing. I’m wondering if that’s the case here.

  4. I feel like social media has ruined people. Him liking your picture was probably his way of letting you know he’s still interested. All you had to do was text him and say, “hey! Just checking in to see if we’re still on for our his week?”

  5. After you said Yes—–He was supposed to answer with something. He may have grown cold duck feet and thought things were moving too fast. Let him be. He sounds like a fickle pickle who cannot be trusted to say anything MORE.

  6. I’d say you both grow up, grow a pair and stop waiting for each other to make a move. Stop wasting time

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