What advice seem to be working for everyone but you?

  1. The whole heat pack for period cramps thing. I understand the logic, and heat packs help me enormously with other aches, but when I have my period I’m already constantly overheating. Adding more heat to that makes me want to throw up. I need an icepack on the back of my neck and something really salty.

  2. “ just let it go” like SIR it is not that easy, i be TRYING or i feel as though i have and then i haven’t 💀 it’s hard

  3. “Be yourself”

    Girl, not one, but *two* of my ride or die former best friends left me after I let my walls down and tried being myself

  4. When you stop looking , you’ll find a partner. Really? I work with all men and still nothing :/
    Not that I care about their validation
    I swear people in relationships are so tone deaf to their single friends

  5. Tampons. And menstrual cups. Can’t seem to insert them right and never got to experience anything life changing…

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