Basically I’ve (31 f) been deeply struggling with trust issues and concerns for various reasons and have made the mistake of looking on his socials and noticed that my bf (35 m)recently started following a girl who he apparently used to know irl, which is fine, however my insecurity is that he followed her first (cause when I saw it she wasn’t yet following him back) and that her IG is mostly naked pictures. When I broke down and was honest about how I’d been looking I asked him about it/who she was and he said she was his FB friend and that she just showed up on his IG suggested friends list.

So basically I’m trying to figure out if he’s telling the truth or if that is no longer an IG feature…basically I’m wanting to know if he could have just innocently seen her suggested on his feed and added her or, if he had to search for her himself to add her.

So I guess my real question is and what would be helpful to me in this situation:

Has IG still been showing you recommended/suggested friends of people you you may know while you are on your scrolling feed? Like it used to show up ever so often while scrolling down and you could see their photos and swipe through the list.

Has this feature been taken away or does it still show up for you sometimes? Like last several months or so? Yes, hard no, or sometimes?! 🙏🏼

I’m trying to remember the last time I saw it and feel like it’s been at least a year…idk if it shows up for some people and not others???? Thank you so much. Any insight would be so helpful.

TL;DR my boyfriend added a sexy account of a girl he knows irl and said it was because she showed up on his suggested friends. Has that feature shown up for you on IG recently or did they take it away and therefore could he be lying?

  1. Suggested accounts to follow always pop up for me when I’m browsing somebody’s profile

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