Due to the lack off a father figure I do sometimes wonder what advice i would have received at this stage in life, if there is any to give

  1. Stetch, and drink water.

    If you haven’t done so already, find something you enjoy doing in your free time. Ideally 1 or 2 things.

  2. If you haven’t started putting away money for your retirement, start now. Put away extra if you can.

  3. Train your core and keep your hamstrings loose to avoid back pain as you age.

    Learn about nutrition and what works for you. Not just to be lean but also for your energy levels and emotional health.

  4. Take action to improve your mental health. Counselling if you can afford it. Find a men’s group. The more work you put into this now, the better you will handle the future.

  5. Get enough sleep. Don’t drink too much, the body doesn’t resist hangover as before.
    Keep an eye on your expenses.

  6. Increase your fiber intake.

    Learn basic financial literacy.

    Don’t join any MLMs.

    Prioritize sleep.

  7. Most things don’t matter. Find out what does and pursue them. For me it’s travel, my family and cooking interesting food.

  8. The usual stuff, healthy eating and routines, etc. like others have said.

    >Due to the lack off a father figure

    Just to quickly address this…just because someone has a dad doesn’t mean they’re constantly dispensing wiseman advice.

    My dad provided a good example, but we rarely if ever have had “heart to heart” stuff like in Hollywood movies.

  9. “Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a Negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride” – Anthony Bourdain

  10. If you are sleep depriving yourself, move towards a full nights of sleep. Take care of your body. Whether you go on walks or lift weights. Take care of your mind. We often fill our time and our heads. Learn to enjoy time. As you get older, time will be more valuable than any other physical items. Learn what you can do to make yourself happy. You shouldn’t have to rely on another person to make you happy.

  11. Do warmups before lifting.
    Be mindful of what you eat. It’s easy to put on weight.
    If you haven’t yet, open a savings account retirement and invest in something you believe in.

  12. Save your money. You’re really employable at 30, you may be less so at 50. Build a strong financial foundation and you won’t have to work in a job you hate.

  13. If you want to do something different with your life, but kinda maybe think youre too old to make the change, know that future you will think back to when you were 30 and say, ‘I had so much more time than I thought’

  14. Keep track of your health in yourself, your mind, and your finances. The most important things are that you are content and healthy, I say content because being happy all the time is not normal or good, it’s more a form of lunacy. So be content and allow yourself to be happy and sad and ask the other emotions of life. In your 30s it’s normal for friendships to fall to the side as people start family’s and focus on careers so check in on your friends every once in a while even if it’s just for a catch up talk.

  15. Don’t listen to the idea that getting older sucks, it’s great. You have to work a bit more for your physique stay at whatever optimum level you have in mind but the mental side of getting past 30 is beautiful.
    I used to think I was an adult at 18, then at 20 I thought 18 year olds were retarded and then I moved to 25 thinking now I’m an adult, that 20 yo me was an idiot and now at the age of 35 I can see that I will always look back at myself as somewhat of an immature idiot.
    And that’s the beauty of getting older, we mature and ripen for every passing year.

    Something you might watch out for is time, it’s a fickle son of a bitch that will run faster for each passing year.
    In my mind I’ve already lived most of my life with the way time seems to accelerate so don’t wait with stuff, if it’s available now and you want it, engage with it now because the years will fly by.
    Also it’s never to late for anything, you’re not to old for jack shit (except playing alone in the park along small children, that might be considered creepy in many circles).

    Also congratulations for reaching the awesome age of 30 my friend!

  16. My big life hack is around feeling good, mentally. Reflect every once in a while about things you should be grateful for. Health? Financial stability? Relationships? Awesome pets?

    I’ve found that taking the time to think about this stuff every once in a while has legitimately made me a happier person. It makes every day life a little sweeter, and when lows hit, they don’t feel quite as low.

    Other end of the spectrum, and not surprising – make sure you’re exercising. Not only good for your body, it’s great for your mind.

  17. Monitor your mind!! Cannot stress this enough!
    Workout, filter people who don’t mesh with you, hold your values, they’ll come in handy as you navigate life

  18. Get resistance training! The day I turned 30 my knees hurt! I looked back and even though I had done lots and enjoyed my 20s I felt I hadn’t achieved anything for me… so I did an ironman. That changed my perception and triggered a healthy way of living. I’m now the fittest I’ve ever been and it has improved my mental health so much on all different aspects. All this started with resistance training.

  19. Max out your employers retirement program. Like ASAP if you haven’t already. Then start considering IRA’s and HSA’s.

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