What is your relationship with your MIL like?

  1. Horrible.
    I tolerated her and she tolerated me but that was the best of it.
    She’s dead now and things are *much* easier.

  2. Amazing she has always welcomed me and is always there if I need support. My Mum died before I meet her son and she was adopted as a child so I feel with have a shared sense of loss of maternal figures.

    My SO is a fantastic human but a little too kind and has ended up in relationships with people I get the feeling his Mum quietly did not approve. I’m an improvement on this so she is happy.

  3. It’s fine. She’s in her 80s, fairly independent, but we built a small house for her on our property to keep an eye on things. She’s starting to have a few memory problems, so that is concerning.

  4. MUCH better now that he and I are engaged.

    It was never completely horrid, but he’s a hardcore momma’s boy and she definitely felt like her precious love was being stolen away and felt the need to nitpick everything from my looks to her ideas of my bank account at family gatherings .

    Now we’re working on business ventures and she tells everyone how I’m her “Daughter-in-Love.” Wonderful woman overall, just one of those “I’m never wrong” types that’s sometimes annoyingly abrasive.

  5. She’s a nice lady. We see each other every few years, and she’s very happy to spend time with us. She’s very supportive of our marriage and super happy for us.

  6. I adore her. She welcomed me in instantly and has done so much for us as a couple. I would have never gotten through college without her. She’s not intrusive in our marriage and respects any boundaries we have. I hit the lottery with my mother in law!

  7. Never met her, my girlfriend’s parents broke off all contact when she came out as bi. Really glad I don’t have a relationship with her, she sounds like judgemental bigot and I tend to agitate bigots by being very loudly gay

  8. Awesome. I told my guy that I get her in the divorce. It’s a joke that works better in context. His MIL, on the other hand, is Satan. I’m an atheist who has no interest in woo, but I still genuflect and cross myself when we get within 100 miles of the woman. Burn some sage, wave some amethyst and selenite around.

  9. She’s no longer my MIL but it was fantastic. She loved me like a daughter, and loved her like a mother.

    She loves her family unconditionally

  10. Great! Especially now that she’s retired, she often comes along with day trips on weekdays that the kid and I go on.

    I probably talk to her more than my husband talks to her. She’s a great mother figure, grandma, person and someone I respect and trust.

  11. There is no relationship.

    My husband cut contact to her around 4 years ago, which is a blessing. She’s a horrible person, and was so abusive towards him that there is no forgiveness.

  12. BAD

    We are estranged. She is very controlling, critical, and judgmental. Not only that, she is racist and homophobic. She criticizes my parenting style, my appearance, and when I call her out on her intolerance she says I am taking back and being disrespectful. She also doesn’t like that I didn’t go to a PAC-12 school, and instead went to an in state school. She doesn’t have any kind words to say to me, and I loathe it.

  13. Not that great.

    I really don’t like my MIL. She’s toxic and entitled, and we’ve had so many issues with her in the past. I’m at a point where I am just done and so I’m not going out of my way to do anything but be politely distant. We see her maybe 2-3x a year (despite living in the same town), and I have no contact with her otherwise, so I guess I’m lucky in that regard. It’s pretty obvious she doesn’t really care to have a real relationship with me at all because whenever we do see her she is laser focused on my husband (which is fine).

  14. I tolerated her through 17 years of marriage . She always got her way . Very controlling of her son. (My ex). Tried to control me and how I should raise my kids . Going through a divorce right now so I don’t have to deal with her anymore. 😊

  15. Very good as she’s amazing. She helps out a lot with childcare and cooking, and took great care of me after I gave birth. I like buying her practical things that I think she might need or like, and we frequently take her and FIL out to dinner.

  16. Complicated. I absolutely love her, but she in an alcoholic & partakes in other things a little too much. Because of this, I cannot trust her with our children for more than a few hours. This makes me sad because they want to much to have sleepovers, with her, but I can’t allow that to happen.

  17. A good one. We don’t see her very often, I’m much closer to my FIL, but she’s very supportive and kind.

  18. There is no relationship. For years I wanted her to like me, even though being around her was like walking on eggshells. She’s rejected almost everything that has to do with me. I finally gave up and stopped expecting her to change and it’s so much better having no relationship with her. We just don’t acknowledge each other, but lately she’s been trying to make subtle-ish digs about me to my husband’s face and it only proves how much she loves drama. She wants some sort of response from him and we just don’t care anymore.

  19. She’s so amazing. I don’t have a good relationship with my own mother but I do with my MIL. She treats me as her own. 🥹🥹🥹

  20. When we were dating she was a little distant, a little uptight but not unbearable. After she retired and we got married she loosened up a lot. She was a great support system once we had kids and an amazing Granny. She passed away suddenly four years ago, we miss her a lot

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