If a guy was traditional and wasn’t comfortable having sex right away, how long would you be willing to wait?

I’ve always wanted to know someone very well before having sex. Probably I’d have to know them for at least 3-6 months before intimacy is on the table.

I know guys have a rep for being aggressive and horny so that can be a turnoff. But is it worse if they don’t want anything at all for several months?

What do you think?

Also would it matter if their explanation was that they were touched improperly or taken advantage of (to put things nicely) by a woman in the past?

  1. Just incorporate that into your conversation at a point you’re comfortable, not the first date maybe, and go from there. You can open up about the assault later on.

    I’m sorry you went through that!

  2. Longest I’ve waited was 6 months and I almost bailed, not because I was horny, but because I thought the guy just wasn’t into me like that. He was a virgin.

  3. Dude there are plenty of women willing to wait.
    Sex isn’t everything, and there’s nothing wrong with having this as a boundary, it will come up in conversation at some point, and you just gotta be honest that you take a while to be intimate.
    Not everyone will want to wait, and that’s ok, it’s all about communication

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