I downloaded tinder a few hours ago and I matched with this girl who agreed to go on a ice cream date with me. The only problem is I don’t know where the hell im supposed to go get ice cream for a date? We’re both 21 so is it weird if I take her to the mall or smth (isn’t that kind of childish, but there’s a arcade there🤔, but that’s kinda childish too). Can’t really go outside-outside cause I live in Canada and it’s super cold here right now. Do I just take her to a Dairy Queen? I just got her number and just need to schedule smth, probably Saturday.

  1. Awww hahaha i would look through yelp with 4+ star ratings, look through indoor pictures and see if the decor is cute, etc. Call me shallow but cant go wrong with something Instagram worthy!

  2. I guess Dairy Queen is fine, since it’s a first date. But you don’t have any boutique/specialty shops that do Gelato or frozen custard?

  3. Date #1 is a sniff test. Just talk for like 30 min to an hour. I usually take the girl to a Starbucks to get coffee or tea. You’re just feeling each other out at this point. Don’t even try to flirt at this point.

    Text her afterward and ask if she’s down to hang out again.

    Date #2 I take her to get food. No McDonald’s type shit. Take her to like Olive Garden or something. Sit next to each other and get flirty. Like compliment her and put your arm around her a couple of times. Kiss her in the parking lot if you can. NOT in the restaurant. There’s families and shit in Olive Garden and they don’t want to see that shit.

    At this point, she’ll know if she’s into you or not. Get more flirty over text. Talk about what you want to do to her sexually. If she’s feeling it, you know she’s down next time to fuck.

    Date #4 Invite her over. Or go to her place. Have some alcohol present. Keep flirting and touching her arms and hands and shit. Make out with her and if she’s cool with that, you are ready to get her naked and clap them cheeks all night my boy.

    Pro tip: If you don’t flirt, playfully touch her, or try to kiss her/fuck her by at least the third or fourth date, she’ll get bored and it won’t work.

    **Persistence is key.** I had this one chick at the bar with me one time. I kept tryna kiss her but she kept turning away so I stopped trying bc I didn’t think she was that into me. The second we got into my car, she grabbed me and stuck her tongue down my fucking throat. Once you are making out, it’s not a matter of “if” you’re going to chap them cheeks, but “when.” It’s inevitable at that point. Persistence pays off. Don’t be afraid to fuck up. This shit takes practice and I didn’t get it right for awhile. Good luck my guy.

  4. Ice cream shops exist. Google Gelato, Google desserts, Google dairy bar.

    You don’t have to get artisanal ice cream made from sacred cows hand milked by blind monks, but you can and should class it up a bit.

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