So, I (26f) and my bf(26m) are now together about one and a half week.
He’s my first relationship, so i’m a little overwhelmed with all these new experiences and a bit clueless. He’s the sweetest guy, considerate, great humor and much more. I’ve always been terrible at showing those close to me, how much I care and appreciate them, that’s why I’m trying here to maybe get some ideas or overall advice to show him, that i care and appreciate him.
Thanks in advance

  1. You need to be a little careful here to not come off as clingy or too needy/desperate. Only a week and a half in. Keep flirting with him to let him know you like. Initiate some physical contact. Don’t immediately offer up sex. There’s something sexy about the anticipation. Build up to it over time.

  2. First you need to understand exactly what kind of man you’re dealing with and act accordingly. Like stated food and sex are good starters, but being peaceful and understanding him and where he comes from goes a long way. I might also be projecting a little bit here lol

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