I’m 43 years old, born and breed in Germany. I meet my current husband 2003 when he came to Germany for business.

We fell in love then I traveled down to the United States in 2005 and we got married. I have two kids 11 and 15 both male. But now he treats me like trash, he’s too controlling and violent, I lost my job during Covid and couldn’t get back to work since then.

I’m frustrated both sexually, mentally, emotionally and financially. I’m being denied the freedom of expression among others, I do not have a say in the home, he’s decision is the final, he doesn’t listen to any of my suggestions, I don’t want to keep living my life this way.

I wish I could go back to Germany to start a new life, but where do I start from.? I feel trapped, I weep all night, my heart bleeds. I need advice, I really don’t know what to do. 😔 I also deserve happiness like others.

  1. You start by thinking about what kind of life you DO want to live. Then think of the steps it will take to get there.

  2. Can someone living in the US please help this lady with phone numbers to social services or the authorities who can help her?

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