So I recently has sex with a guy and.. while he was fucking me I started my period. and there was so much blood I didn’t know what to do i was so embarrassed. and tbh I was thinking about what was going through **his** mind. So men, I was wondering if that’s happened to any of you? and what were you thinking in that moment?

  1. Really depends on the guy. Speaking personally, it does not bother me one bit and part of having sex. If he can’t handle normal body functions then it is on him not you. Hopefully he is cool with it. Think of it this way….28 days of sex or 23 days of sex 😁

  2. It’s happened to me and it’s whatever, it was enough i didn’t continue having aex but I wasn’t offended or upset or anything, didn’t bother me next time we had sex.

    I’ve been told I’m very comfortable and education on the menstrual topic though so results may vary

  3. Well to be honest, it’s not gonna help, because everyone would react differently, but if he is a gentleman, he would have asked if you are okay, if you would like to stop to clean and would take care of you. At least that’s what I would do. There is nothing wrong with period blood and he should have simply taken care of you.

    What would be going through my mind? I dunno, a quick “oh damn” probably and then take action. It would not disgust me or make me regret anything, it happens, take care of it, move on, nothing to overthink honestly.

    My dick was sometimes bloody after a period fuck, but I simply do not mind, it never was an excessive amount, but even if, my main concern would be my gf at such a moment.

  4. Wouldn’t bother me so much as I’d be worried we need to get a towel sat down to make sure we don’t ruin her sheet or anything. If she wanted to stop I’d be down to stop but if not we could keep going cause why not? Periods happen and sex is fun

  5. Some people are squeamish about period sex, others don’t care. If you want to know HIS thoughts on It, you’re gunna have to ask HIM.

  6. once it happened to me when I was licking my gf pussy xD but you know, real sailor can cross even Red Sea. I finished and didn’t care 😉

  7. This happened to me with a woman several years ago. I didn’t make a big deal about it as I could tell she was very embarrassed. I tried to downplay the whole thing and told her not to worry as the whole mess could easily be cleaned up. (We were actually having sex on an inflatable air mattress). Not all men will react this way I admit. My advice to you is to stick with the guys who don’t make a big deal about something like this and still come back for more.

  8. The handful of times that’s happened to my partners I’ve noticed it always seems to occur after an orgasm. In hindsight, those were all compliments I guess. So, I guess I’d see it as a compliment!

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