A question for ladies. How often do u check requests and messages on Instagram? and how do u choose who to reply and accept their request.

  1. I mostly post my sewing and crafting. People usually message me to talk about them. I’m fine accepting most requests.

  2. I check mine maybe 1-2 times a week. As far as who I reply to it comes down to three categories. One, I know you. Two, it’s a business opportunity. Three, sometimes I reply to questions about what art products I used or where I got a particular article of clothing.

  3. On Instagram… whenever I’m online. it’s so easy to click on the message requests option since it’s right on the main chat box so I always open them texts but I only accept and replies to interesting messages relating to my posts or comments I made somewhere and ignore the dry *hi* ones

  4. Daily because of my side hustle. I reply to all business messages. As for others, depends on what they say.

  5. I check messages when I get a new one. Requests, never. Not interested in talking to people I don’t know.

  6. daily, I have a blog. I delete if it’s a spam, giveaway or promoting ads. and accept everything else

  7. Not really on insta but really anything

    On any social media I check the second I can because I hate not responding to notifications

    I accept every single one and depending on if it’s a real person delete or continue talking till I get bored or they say dumb shit

    Final alternative is we get into an argument and I have a bunch of fun

  8. I receive the notifications immediately. Usually I don’t accept the requests from those whom I don’t know irl.

    For some reason most people who send me requests are creepy seniors who are old enough to be my father or even a grandpa… (And I’m not even 18, I’m 30!) I don’t know what they’re hoping for. Never been followed by a handsome stranger from my age group.

  9. Whenever I’m on and see the notification, so it could be multiple times a day or once a month. If it’s someone I don’t know or don’t want to talk to, I don’t respond. I haven’t made any posts yet, so there’s no reason for people to send messages unless it’s a friend and we’re sharing posts we liked.

  10. I have mine set to private. I’ll check my messages when I get a notification. If it’s from someone I don’t know, then I don’t respond or delete their friend request.

  11. I check somewhat regularly, because clients or potential clients occasionally contact me through social media. I never respond to random messages from men that aren’t explicitly business related, and never would. I don’t know any woman that does. I get a few of those types of messages a week.

  12. I only use instagram for Jacquesthewhipper and would never respond to or accept a stranger’s request.

  13. If I don’t know you or of you, I don’t reply or follow. One of my favorite authors followed me back because we “talk” at least once a week. She gives me book suggestions for my youngling grands(not even her own books!)and one of my favorite not well known musicians followed me back but that’s it. Hoping to see her this spring!

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