What’s something that people shouldn’t do at a kid’s party?

  1. Their shouldn’t enable their child’s destructive behavior. If it’s a birthday party for someone else, their kid’s behavior should be kept in check not being allowed to scream for attention. If your kid’s sick, they shouldn’t be at the party at all. As for the adults, they should keep the alcohol and cigarettes out of the equation entirely.

  2. I went to one where a naughty asshole kid was dropped off by his mom and played up n bullied the other kids, including hitting my own, 3 mom’s told him off n were pissed off the parent had just left him at the party so don’t be a twatty parents and leave your kid if they misbehave, stay and tell them off yourself. He never got invited again!

  3. Get drunk. Been to so many kid’s bday parties where adults used them as opportunities to get smashed or even high and then some would obviously lead to drunkards fighting….
    * Kid’s bday parties ain’t the place for that* it’s the kid moment not yours

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