Do you ever find that you are a bit of a hypocrite when judging the other persons actions while dating someone? Why?

  1. Like the person I’m dating or other people in relationships while I’m dating around?

  2. Generally, the things I find most annoying in other people are things that I myself feel self critical about. I think most people are that way. These days, I try to notice that and not be so judgmental of others.

  3. Oh I think I can definitely be a bit of a hypocrite, everyone is, and I think mostly because of this reason : we judge people based on their actions and we judge ourselves based on our intentions

  4. Definitely, and when I do I try to either adjust my own behaviour, or come back from the thing I was judging by realising it isn’t so bad as I do it too

  5. I can think of a very specific example. I won’t date anyone who has a job where they work irregular shift patterns even though I work irregular shift patterns myself. The reason is because we would never see each other and never be able to co-ordinate time off together. This makes me a hypocrite but I don’t care.

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