Spending time on Reddit, especially mainstream subs like askwomen and twox has made me realize just how prevalent misandry is in our society. I fear for the health and safety of my future children.

  1. You know if you bring them up to respect everyone your doing a good job yeah.


  2. Respect those who deserve it. Be nice and polite but Don’t take shit from people because you’re a woman. It’s ok to be not liked by some people and ultimately it’s their problem

  3. I personally don’t see misandry as being a prevalent attitude amongst a lot of women, but rather is a very vocal, very hurt, but very small group of women. As far as how to raise a daughter to respect men,… Be a respectable man and father, yourself.

  4. I think if you are an example of a man who is a good person who is worthy of respect will be enough to show her that when she encounters a man who is a shit head, that they all aren’t like that.

  5. Give her the book”the gift of fear” so she can learn that she doesn’t have to be polite and do what men say just to be nice. It could save her life one day.

  6. Not only be a man they can respect and show them respectable men, but SURROUND them with good men. Your friends, cousins, father…they should see and experience that good men are the norm and that neither men nor women should tolerate men who fail to be good men who are good at being a man.

  7. Teach them to respect themselves and to respect everyone else, by treating everyone with respect yourself.

    They are going to meet misogynist assholes, and they are going to meet misandrist assholes, and they are going to meet racist assholes, and every other kind of asshole.

    Your job is just to lead by example.

  8. It’s really not a problem. Hopefully you’ll have a better understanding before you have children. But even not, I raised two girls and if you do have girls one day you’ll see the everyday sexism that they deal with all the time. And if you can’t, well just know that any misandry is probably bc of you and your own issues.

  9. >What are some tips for raising daughters who respect men?

    What are some tips for raising ~~daughters~~ children who respect ~~men~~ people?

  10. Be a man that’s worthy of respect. Treat her fairly even if it means having to be cold to her, but also always go the extra mile to make sure she knows you love her.

  11. When you day “respect men” you sound like you mean “be subservient to men”, and I’d that’s the case I hopeba wild animal eats tour dick before you can ever have kids.

  12. Lead by example and limit their use of social media and the internet. I’m assuming you’re married. If that’s the case, your wife also needs to be on board and lead by example, especially in how she treats you. Talk to them about your concerns. When you see misandry, talk to them about it. Take an active role in their education. Review what they’re taught in school and discuss it with them. If you don’t like what they’re being taught in school, speak up. Don’t let society raise your children.

  13. You gotta raise daughters that respect themselves.

    Frankly, it is a bit disturbing that you care more about how these theoretical future men will be treated than how THEY will treat your daughters.

  14. Just teach them that bigotry isn’t ok regardless of where it’s coming from or whom it’s targeted at

  15. Your daughters are going to feel however they want regardless of how ypu raise them. If you love your kids and want them safe teach them how to protect themselves. I was raised to respect people but never accept repeated disrespect. I dont hate men, I hate shitty people who happen to be men. You’re setting your daughters up for failure if you think they should always respect a man but you may be one of those men who thinks he deserves respect regardless of your actions. If that’s the case do them a favor and never have kids.

    You have no control over how your kids form their own reactions as they grow up. You will only raise kids who resent you and are scared of you. Love your kids and protect them. Especially your daughters.

  16. I would try to be a man worthy of respect in her eyes and those around her. If she thinks you are a respect worthy man, she will treat you with respect and will automatically understand that there are also good men like her own father.

  17. I have two daughters. You job as a father to daughters is to love and respect their mother and bra role model for what a good partner is. First and foremost. Of course there are many other hats to wear but that’s the most important one. My wife is teaching them how to say no to people who’s are bothering them and that it’s always ok to say no. They are 5 and 10.

  18. Be present in their life, be authoritative (not authoritarian) as a parent, show you care about them and their opinions, teach them to respect themselves.

  19. You need to raise daughters that respects people, period. My father taught me that I have to respect the people that deserve my respect. I don’t care about anyone’s gender, I care about their actions, their values and their worth.
    And you need to raise daughters that respect themselves in a healthy way. You can’t genuinely respect someone if you don’t respect yourself first. There will be no issues with that then.

  20. You need to raise daughters that respects people, period. My father taught me that I have to respect the people that deserve my respect. I don’t care about anyone’s gender, I care about their actions, their values and their worth.
    And you need to raise daughters that respect themselves in a healthy way. You can’t genuinely respect someone if you don’t respect yourself first. There will be no issues with that then.

  21. Be an example of a good man worthy of respect. Teach that she should remove herself from any situation where she encounters men of lesser worth than you’ve demonstrated.

    A boyfriend doesn’t treat her well? Don’t stay and become bitter about men in general, leave and cut off all contact from him.

    A male boss treats her differently in a way that harms her job prospects? Don’t stay and become bitter about male bosses, find another job and cut off all contact from that boss.

    Male friends in a group behave disrespectfully toward the women in the group? Don’t stay and become bitter about men as friends, leave the group and bring the female friends with her.

    The removal of female attention and proximity from men who are behaving badly is a powerful thing, for her own sake and for the men as well. She spends her time with men worthy of respect and so respects them and doesn’t become resentful, and men who lack these qualities who lose her attention are encouraged to behave better.

    “Respect all men” results in her giving men more chances than they should get, at her own expense. She’ll receive more bad treatment from men and become resentful of them, growing misandrist.

  22. Be a respectful and honorable man. Young girls watch how men treat their mothers. Are you kind? Do you show respect and dignity to your partner or spouse?
    That’s a good first step

  23. Be a good father, be present, set a good example for her, teach her to respect **people**, and above all else to respect herself.

    Most of these women who are openly misandrist tend to fall into one or more of the following categories:

    * Didn’t have a father in the picture
    * Their father was not a good father
    * They have bad taste in men
    * They had one too many bad experiences with men

    As a father, you’re going to be the most important man in her life during her formative years. You need to set the example for how a man should treat her, because if you don’t then she’s going to make poor decisions that will make her become a misandrist.

  24. Be a respectable father, and be a big part of her life. She’s going to form her view of men based on her father.

  25. The askwomen forum contains a noisy minority of sad people who should spend their time in therapy rather than spreading hate. Most women do not find us evil.

    We have 2 guys but that’s irrelevant. If you raise your kids to be selfless and aware then they learn to love and appreciate and respect. Be a fucktard yourself and you raise assholes, regardless of gender. Behind every adult asshole is an equally big parental asshole.

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