Yesterday evening my “boyfriend” went to a school event for his son. I was sick and not feeling well so I was waiting on him to come back and get me some soup or something. I texted him around 10:30pm and he never responded. He sends me a text a 3:42am that he’ll see me in the morning cuz his son wanted to hang out! A 6 yr old wanted to hang out at 3:42am on a school night???? At the end of the day I know he still sleeps with the mother of his children, I really am not bothered by that. But when it comes to insulting my intelligence instead of just telling me the truth it’s hard to move forward and trust him. I want to address it in the best way possible but I’m pissed! Like the fact that he took 4hrs to even respond to me makes me feel like I am not a priority, it also makes me feel like the reason he couldn’t answer is cuz he was having sex with his ex! I’ve never been in a open relationship but I thought I could manage it if we both were always honest with each other. He tells me that him and her are basically done but his actions say otherwise, like I watch him text her back immediately she’s never left on read like he’s so comfortable with leaving me on read. I feel like he’s only telling me they’re done so he can string me along and they are really working things out behind my back! I don’t really know how to approach this situation!

  1. Trust your gut. If you feel that is what is happening, it probably is.

    Now, you just have to decide if you want to stay there and be disrespected. How are you “ok” with him sleeping with his ex? Let him go back to her then…fuck that noise.

  2. Why are you okay with being disrespected like this? You could be happy with someone who is laying with you at 3am and not having you do mental gymnastics

  3. It’s still possible to cheat in an open relationship. The only way to do it is to lie. Like this.

    I’m not a “trash the whole person” kind of advice giver, but he lied to you, when you were sick, so he could cheat on you. This is not someone worth knowing.

  4. The best way to approach this is to just tell him that you’re done with this relationship snd want to break up. He is free to think whatever he wants but you want out.

    You dont need him to validate your intelligence or your emotions. Nor do you need to get into a lengthy discussion with him, where he tries to gaslight you into thinking you’re wrong. Sometimes less is more

  5. Why are you allowing this!? Walk away. She’s never going to go away. You know the answer and you not saying anything and sticking around means that he’s going to continue to do what he wants. You are more like a side chick. You deserve better!

  6. Darling, please for the love of God embrace ‘self respect’ – you deserve soooo much better ❤

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