This is in my head since a long time.

  1. Grovel at his feet, provide him with the better third of the wheat she has farmed each harvest, pick up arms and fight for him when he gets into a squabble with his cousin about the suzerainty of a duchy. JustGirlyThings

    By the way, how’s pretending to be a bikini model going for you?

  2. To feel like a king, I suppose act like a subject. But do men really want that?

    I’d rather have a partner behave like a rational person that says what they mean instead of making me feel like a private investigator trying to figure out what the heck they want. When I ask you where you want to eat, just freaking say it. Don’t make me pick and then eliminate them one by one until the only thing left is what you wanted to start. Although, I suspect playing mind games to get the king to do what you want is probably pretty accurate.

  3. I love that this is “in my head since a long time”, and yet, you couldn’t even phrase the question properly. Sounds like it should just stay in your head for some more time.

  4. bro this subreddit straight pathetic lol. people having a visceral reaction to a word OP uses when her question is literally “what can i do to make my man feel good in public”. it says so much folks have this much of a reaction over the word king (and I would bet the women here have referred to themselves as queens or said yaaaaasss queen to some woman a million times lol)

  5. **Anything that signals to people around you that you’re involved with him:**


    -holding onto his arm while walking together

    -sit shoulder-to-shoulder with him when you don’t actually need to

    -refer to him by a possessive label like “my man”, “my boyfriend”, or even just “my date”

    -call him by terms of endearment like “babe” or “my love”

    **Also anything that implies that he’s desireable to you, especially more desireable than another man is:**

    -Point to an attractive guy on the street and then say why he (your date) is hotter/sweeter/manlier than the other guy.

    -If he compliments a male celebrity, immediately point out a flaw/scandal that the celebrity has that your date does not.

    **And finally:**

    -Drop hints that you are horny and can’t wait to jump his bones later. If he thinks you crave *him specifically*, then he’ll be riding a high that no amount of drugs could ever match.

  6. Crush his enemies, have them driven before him and let him hear the lamentation of their women.

  7. The jokes about ineptitude and bad judgment that are made in the home, have no place in public. And if you’re mad at us, we can fight at home, not in public.

  8. You make it sounds like it’s her job to put you on a pedestal to make you feel like you’re a great deal or something. Why?

  9. Um don’t… Lol some guys may want to feel like a king but most just want a more simple relationship with someone who cares for them not a dedicated follower who will lay armies to the ground at his feet and worship him.

  10. She should leave him if he wants and needs her to make him feel like a king in public.

    Seriously – I can’t fathom having a conversation with my wife “hey, honey, I need you to do the following things when we are in public so I can stroke my own ego.” What a bonkers thing to expect.

  11. Honest answer? Show him respect and don’t argue with him in front of others. Look like you are proud to be with him. Be kid and make him look good.

  12. Probably should ask him. How he wants to be treated in public may be different then any answer you get here. Hell he might not want to be treated like a king, I know if my gf tried to treat me like a king in public I’d ask her wtf is wrong with her and to stop.

  13. In the age where women feel like they don’t need men, this is a hard one.

    Disclosure: we’ve been married for 9, together for 12. We both have successful careers that we enjoy and pull in similar 6 figures income. (And I can deadlift 70+lbs.)

    Despite those, I am 5’2 and more often than not, most people’s first impression is that I am a stay home wife. Perhaps it’s because I let him take the leads on many things in public, such as ordering my meal and picking up the tabs (I handle our finances). But, it’s the perception and the action that make him feel like he’s taking care of me/our family. Our body language is often in unison and harmony. If there is a work gathering and we have our son with us, I’ll keep him busy so he can discuss work stuff and he does the same for me at my work functions. We both cook but he is the superior one. Friends are often surprised by how well he can single handedly prepare a 5-course-meal in 2 hours. When the girls and I are in the pool, he’ll make sure to tend to all of us and I do the same for him and his boys.

    He is also super handy around the house. He is a jack of all trade and he builds rockets for a living. I tend to all our household errands: grocery shopping, laundry and cleaning.

    This arrangement works for us. You’ve just got to find what works for you. State your position and preferences but have flexibilities. And most important, having consideration for your significant other.

    Do we need each other, no? But we cherish and wish to spend the rest of our lives together. You bet we work on it everyday.

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