How easily do you get obsessed with a girl and does this feeling change with age as you get older?

  1. There is no one answer to this question as everyone experiences obsessions differently. Some people may find it easy to become obsessed with a girl, while others may not. Additionally, the intensity of an obsession can vary over time. For some people, obsessions may lessen with age, while for others they may remain the same or even increase.

  2. Its not about getting older. it is about understanding why you are getting that way and trying to heal the reason why. When i was speaking to a friend we were able to narrow his down to “thirst” and because the lack of interest, when he does get interest he is locked in to it and even the possibility. He had a casual situation which he agreed was casual yet was bent out of shape because she didn’t give him more of the friend side wth the benefits.

  3. You grow up and get some self esteem and a pair of cajones and realize that you don’t put women on a pedestal. There just people like you and me

  4. Last girl I was obsessed with was in high school. Nowadays I don’t see any women repeatedly in my life, so I haven’t developed anything like that again. Girls come and go too easily to get attached.

  5. This seems to be a teenage issue. I don’t get obsessed with anyone as an adult.

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