Me and this girl added each other on snapchat on Thursday and we talked for a little bit during the day on Friday.

However, she left me on read at approximately 6:00 pm on Friday and hasn’t sent me a message (or snap) since.

Now, I don’t wanna sound like i’m trying to be needy or desperate, because I most definitely do not want to seem like that. I just want to know why she asked for my snap despite not having sent me anything yet. I feel as though it’s also worth mentioning that she’s been viewing my story too. Can someone please help with this?

  1. Literally a million reasons. Some posibilities are good, some bad but most are benign.

    If you are going to see her in person again, just be patient till then so you can have a regular interaction face to face.

  2. Don’t worry about it too much. Probably had second thoughts about it, or just wants you to watch her (if her account’s public)

  3. Dude, it’s snapchat. You’re putting too much thought into it. Relax, we all get left on read from time to time.

    Sometimes I take days to reply to people for any number of reasons, it could be work, mood, life, stress etc.

    What was the conversation about? Did you give her anything to reciprocate? Was it stale?

    When you notice a pattern, that’s when you start thinking about your approach and methods. But for this scenario? I think you’re overthinking it dude. You’re good. Just hit her up for a coffee or a meetup.

  4. It means they are not prioritizing interacting with you as of now. Don’t be needy. Don’t chase or beg them to respond. Now is the time to be genuinely busy in your life focusing on hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side. Chase excellence, not people.

  5. Just remember she has her own life, other people she’s talking too, other things too do. Maybe she doesn’t have the time or energy to make a new friend right now. Spend your time doing something you enjoy or learning something new. Meet some new people, take a chance on a girl you normally wouldn’t talk to. Maybe in a week or two message her just to show you’re still interested. If she doesn’t bite move on.

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