My partner is a man of few words and im always left confused whether he cares or not. So which actions can tell me whether he cares or not.

  1. Depends on your partner. You two should be communicating, but you should also be able to watch what he does to understand him better. If his way of showing you he cares is by being useful around the house, don’t expect him to bring home flowers regularly.

  2. Him being there for you. Cooking for you. Cleaning. Buying you things. Holding you. Kissing you. Touching you.

  3. It isn’t exactly a simple question. We can’t exactly make a list going “if he shows all these signs then he cares” same as different women show how they care differently.

    How people show care really depends. Some people may show this through activities in the bedroom or it might be by cooking a meal.

    Things I’d ask myself if I was wondering if they cared was think about what they do for me. It could be as simple as they come home and massage your back every night. Or they make you a cup of coffee every morning. Perhaps he takes you places you want or pays for things he knows you like ? Buys you flowers etc.

    Simple actions like that are small gestures which show care but often become normal and are overlooked.

  4. The way I show may not be how everyone is but here it is:

    – Words of affirmation, always give little complements. Let your partner know she is the only person in the room. Let her know she is prettier than everyone else.

    – Listen, for the love of god, she will tell you what she needs if you just listen. If my partner tells me “My neck hurts”, I am going to give a massage. If they are upset, I am going to magically make a snickers bar appear. 90% of all relationship issues can be cured with a snack. The other 10%, well

    – Consistency. Always where he says he is, its because he cares. Always helps you out when you need him, its because he cares. Always spends time with you, yep, he cares.

    Being a man of few words isn’t something I exactly understand, but if he has been there for a long time and is happy to see you like a dumb puppy, just pet him on the head and give him a treat

  5. Finding out how full a cup is can be done by finding out how much air it contains

    Instead look for ways he shows you he doesn’t care. If there are few then you have your answer.

  6. Most men don’t expound on “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!”

    What does he do for you that you appreciate? Is there stuff he does that you haven’t even thought about?

    I get up at 6 every morning, wake the kids and make breakfast. I’ve made breakfast the entire time we’ve been together because she just isn’t functional yet. 95% or more. If I didn’t care, I’d cook my own breakfast and be out the door to work so I could miss traffic and be home earlier in the evening. I could go on and on. I don’t need to. She recognizes.

    Do I have my faults? Sure. So does she. Do I bring flowers home a lot? No. It’s not me, besides, extra half an hour away from home buying something ephemeral that will last a week or extra time home with my family?

  7. you got to learn how he shows it

    I’m a bit of a bad example, but I don’t show it until I see something I can do to help the person. never doing anything spontaneous. but if they are in trouble or need something I do everything I can.


    it is reasonable to bring this up, don’t accuse him of not caring but say you need him to show it

  8. Actions speak louder than words. If he covers you as you sleep, make you tea/soup when you’re sick, do stuff just to make you happy. Then he does, more than meaningless words can say. Pay attention to what your man does and don’t ask dumb questions.

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