For those who’ve lost contact with a girl you liked. Did you find her? Did it work out? How did you move on?

  1. Made that mistake before. Its better to just let them go and move on to something better

  2. >Did you find her?


    >Did it work out?


    >How did you move on?

    Don’t understand this one, people come and go, that’s how life is, ¿What’s there to move on from?

  3. I had one way back in the day and i never got in contact with her. Eventually I had to ask myself why was I still looking? It was the feeling I got from a girl who was kind to a guy trying to figure out how to even approach. She gave me the time of day and was kind and we really had a good time. Her parents moved them back to their home state and I think after dealing with less kind people after i wanted a bit of that again. But i accepted, healed, resolved to be better, and moved forward.

  4. Yeah found her. We lost touch for 4 yrs while she decided to have a bf and kids. We were fwb for 4 years before she ghosted me when she got a bf. Now we are fwb again since 2012. So, we are moving on while enjoying good sex when our schedules permit

  5. Yo man i didn’t bc that’s the beautiful girl walking down the street. I love a stranger a beautiful girl 😙

  6. Didn’t really find her, she came back. She went MIA after 6 or 7 dates: busy, ill, changing work, … so I stopped asking her out. I would occasionally text her if I thought she would be interested in knowing something and then dropped the conversation myself. After few months she wanted to know where one picture was from and I told her if is a secret and I could only show her myself. We ended up dating.

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