My BF insulted me over a videogame.

My (F 26) boyfriend (M 25) (2 years of relathionship, 1 living together) recently installed my long life fav videogame and started playing (we are both súper gamers but dont often play together because like diff types). I was so exciting, its a co op game so we were playing together on the same team, its an online game. Since he was new (he played for a while but 8 years ago) I was really excited giving him advice and teaching him new things about the game while playing, but sometimes he would seem pissed off about it answering thing like “I already know that” or “I dont think you are right” but I didnt paid attention tbh. One day we had a little argue about it, but I didnt mind either. But another day, he would get SO mad about me not following his call about an objective in the game so I retired and he got killed. He was so mad, he started saying “Why did you do that? Are u kidding me? Why didnt you followed my lead? We would have won” I just didnt paid attention I was having fun and even the situation made me laught. I said “its just a game relax”. But as soon as I made another call on the game he snapped “Go fux yourself” “Just sux my d*ck” I got so upset I told him what was his problem, how could he attack me over a silly game bbut he continued claiming I was doing everything on purpose to make fun of him (???) and he wanst going to let me do that.Itried to explain I was just playing chill and having fun but he kept calling me names and told me Im a total asshole. I just quit the game and went to sleep crying.
The next day I confronted him about It but he kept his mind about it claiming I was ridiculizing him (I really cant understand how does a game affects hhim like this) and only after I asked to he apologized ffor the insults.

Im trying to be supportive because hes going through a work/family serious issue wich has having him under LOTS of pressure and stress (hes parting ways with his family business due to violence and hes looking to fund his own) so I wanna be on his side. But hes been so explosive and unreasonable about arguments between us. I begged him to get therapy (Im on therapy for over a year) but he had an abusive experience with a therapist when he was younger so he tells me he is not ready to trust again.
I dont want to leave him alone, he has always been by my side. Has always done everything for me, supported me in everything, loved me like anyone ever did. He also supported me when my family kicked me out and I was so mentally devastated I also exploded with with him and insulted him over little things, and he never ever judged me. He just holded my hand.
But now sometimes I barely recognize him. When I want to talk about the problem he would just be playing games in his phone, saying everything is fine, that he has nothing to talk about, and only if I call him out he apologizes without even looking me in the eye. I love him so much I dont want to but Ive been thinking in leaving him. I cant communicate he wont let me and acts so weird I just cant. Yesterday after an argument I was trying to talk about it and asking him to please tell me how he feels so I can understand whats going on and he would tell me “I dont want to talk about it” while looking me directly in the eye completely emotionless (trying to intimidate me Or I dont even know its so weird) We have grown together a lot. He tought me a lot, I was so inmature when I met him I was also agressive but now Im another woman. when Im a healthy person he suddenly becomes toxic. I cant believe it. Im so hearbroken.

1 comment
  1. Youve both grown into different people, but maybe not both for the better. He’s not the same guy you fell in love with. My gf and I have played many games together. Some she knows more about, some I do. Sometimes we die a lot or lose, theres frustration even when the other causes it. But it never escalates passed lighthearted insults or banter because a game is not worth actually getting mad about. there’s never an angry “I already knew that” or “you’re dumb for not knowing that already”. Its a game. It’s supposed to be fun. My dumb girlfriend even played through all of borderlands without realizing you can hold the mouse button to shoot automatic weapons. I have way more experience in the series and definitely carried us a lot, but it’s just fun.

    Why do you feel it’s alright for him to take shenanigans so seriously, to the point of treating you terrible? Him being stressed or traumatized isn’t an excuse to be abusive

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