But why is this so? Why is it unlikely to get HIV from oral but it’s literally spread by genital fluids? What about other STDs? Can you actually get anything with unsafe oral? Very sheltered and Catholic upbringing has kept my education on this poor as a teen and now as an adult I’m finally questing to learn. Google says you need to wear it because you could get HIV or and STD but it also says you probably won’t get either, so what do most people do? Is it okay?


I should add although Catholic = no condoms my family always said I’d get pregnant or sick from sex without them and that even if I used them I’d still get pregnant or sick because it’s kind of Gods will that they break if you use them in sin and stuff

  1. Oral sex can transmit STIs. For most of them, it’s less likely than unprotected vaginal or anal sex, but it’s still possible.

    Most people take the risk and engage in unprotected oral sex. That’s just not the *safest* option.

    I’d recommend exchanging STI test results beforehand.

  2. With regard to the Catholic stance and all things sex, IMO the church has had long standing policies (like thousands of years) in place that seem to be designed to funnel people into the church and keep them there. More people in your church meant more power.
    Example: You can’t masterbate so you have to have sex with a person. Want to have it before marriage? Nope! You need to be married (which is controlled by the church) and then you can have sex. Want to prevent pregnancy? Nope, have to risk children because that means more little kiddos needing baptisms and becoming part of the church. Then the cycle goes on.
    Most people in this forum would say this: sex is a normal part of a healthy life as long as everyone invoked is consenting and respectful of others. Have it where/when/how/with whomever you want. It’s your life to live.

  3. > Is it okay?

    It’s okay if you and your partner are okay with it.

    I personally have never had the talk with STI/STDs with my partners because there was a mutual understanding that we haven’t been with anyone in a long time and trusted each other enough before hand/mutual understanding and trust that if we had something we would bring it up.

    My best friend and his wife both got tested a few weeks after they started dating.

    There’s lots of ways to go about having all kinds of sex and being safe about it.

  4. I’ve always wondered why people use condoms if they plan to have oral sex too because of the risk of STI? I made it a rule for myself I never ever give anyone oral unless I’m seriously dating them or even if it’s casual but we both get STI tested before hand. I don’t really like condoms so it isn’t usually a massive issue for me but my times of having ONS or hook ups where condoms are a must, I never give head 💀

  5. Transmission risk is lower for oral, but it isn’t zero. Genital infections of HSV-1 are on the rise, and that’s exactly how you get it. If you don’t know someone’s sexual health status and they haven’t been tested, it’s best to use barriers for everything.

  6. i prefer using barriers anyways but oral-genital transmission is absolutely possible.

  7. >even if I used them I’d still get pregnant or sick because it’s kind of Gods will that they break if you use them in sin and stuff

    It makes me sad that religious families still peddle this bullshit in this day and age.

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