Title says it all. My boyfriend is a lovely man who absolutely stanks up the bedroom and I am losing patience. I’ve started putting air fresheners that absorb odor and even that isn’t enough. It’s starting to get cold out so I don’t want to keep the windows open all night. I don’t even understand why he farts in his sleep so much.

Something has got to change though. I can’t live like this anymore.

  1. Unless it is a health issue it is probably related to diet. Get him on some healthy foods.

    Or Maybe he is holding in his farts all day around you and can’t control them in his sleep so they all come out. Haha

  2. Lol thanks everyone. He doesn’t go to the doctor often and I’ve been stressing the importance of routine healthcare to him much more lately. I’ll just mention it to him and see if he’ll go in for a check up at some point. Poor guy has psoriasis terribly and I’ve been reading that a change in diet may help that too. I’ll try to make more healthy foods at home so he isn’t tempted otherwise

  3. First check his diet. Flatulence – especially smelly ones – usually don’t come from nothing. Do you eat heavy meals for dinner often? Eating fibers should also helpnif you drinl enough.

    Also, does he have a regular workout schedule? Most kinds of cardio, even a stiff walk help with digestion.

    If none of these help, visit a doctor or think about sleeping in different rooms. It’s not uncommon for many happy couples.

  4. For me it’s lactose or sugar. If my GF sees me consume either of that she knows what’s coming later.

  5. Figure out what foods are causing that, or maybe he has an intestinal disorder that needs to be managed

  6. Use your covid mask. Surely if those things block super tiny viruses, they can block a huge fart.

  7. Well it’s either a health issue or a diet issue,

    Have a look at his diet and see if you can find a likely cause there, if you can’t maybe suggest that he sees a doctor to see if they can figure out what’s causing it,

    Those levels of farting are not normal and must have some sort of cause, the only question is is it treatable?

  8. All my life I was a massive fart machine. I changed my diet. Cut out most of the gluten in my diet and fart normally now. Pretty crazy.

    Bread, yeasts, beer, pizza, muesli, all that stuff.

  9. I would encourage him to see a doctor about it, could be a sign of digestive issues. Diet related possibly. Other than that, a second bed or the couch for him lol.

  10. What’s his diet like? It sounds like something is upsetting his guts pretty badly.

  11. Probably has a lactose intolerance. Tell him to lay off the dairy for a week and see what happens.

  12. i had a girl that had crazy loud farts middle of the night. it didnt bother me but they where LOUD!

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