What do you consider a low libido for a man of 35? He’s happy with sex at weekends only. Sometimes Friday and Saturday but most often just Saturdays. When we do have sex it’s a wild session on and off over like 4 or 5 hours of intense fucking and toys and oral, anal, we have incredible intense sex. The fact that it’s so good makes it that much more difficult. We still have the passion so That’s what’s so confusing to me. I guess this intense session once a week is 5 days worth of normal sex in one night, and this completely satisfies his appetite. I want more, all the time, he says it’s too much, I’m too much, and he has a normal drive. I have a free use policy he’s never once used, I offer to/try to suck his dick every day. I’m attractive, I know he thinks I’m hot still, so why? How can you turn down getting a blowjob when it’s clear I want zero in return?! he knows I don’t expect all the kinky shit every day, but still I think he clearly feels bad because of the way he makes it up to me at the weekend. He says it’s just simple he’s not in the mood and that’s that, he’s always tired, I massage him and take care of him so he’s as stress free as possible. I rarely get him to change his mind and I just don’t know how to deal with feeling like a pest. How do you cope with rejection? It’s brutal.
Our libidos have matched for 15 years but now mines through the roof and I don’t know how to cope. How do people do this? Why do I never find any other women in this situation?

  1. I’m in the same position except my wife is like your husband and my drive is through the room

  2. I feel you girl!
    My sex drive has always been so much higher than my husband’s. He’s quit a but older than me, so we just assume that’s why. The difference in sex drive is one of the reasons why we decided to have an open marriage.

  3. I would choose quality over quantity anytime! I don’t mind having some me time in between sex if I’m really horny and she’s not.

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