Recently I’ve seen a lot of TikTok’s of women saying they won’t give their partner oral unless he has showered first. Specially after a day or if he recently has been to the bathroom. This kind of content always gets a lot of positive feedback from women who fully agree. And I was just wondering how you other girls felt about it?

  1. I typically shower every morning. If I am expecting any fun time like that, and I have done anything at all that day, I will rinse off again. The last thing I want, is for her to despise doing it because I was lazy.

  2. Not really. I’ve had men I refused to give oral at all but now I’m with a guy who just tastes amazing. I’ve given him oral after a long day at work lots of times and I love it.

    But if you’re wondering whether you should shower before if you can – sure. It’s always better to be clean.

  3. I don’t particularly care. As long as he has showered in the last 24 hours or so and didn’t do anything that made him super duper sweaty and dirty, then I’m good to go.

  4. Just seems unrealistic to always shower just before sex, for men and women. Like, you’re getting started then break for a shower?

    Obviously, hygiene and being clean is really important but a shower immediately before sexual activity is overboard for most.

  5. Yeah, at least a freshen up in the bathroom first. It’s common courtesy. It’s a little annoying when we are on the way to the bedroom and someone wants to have a bathroom break so an hour beforehand would be ideal. It shows he’s thinking ahead about my comfort and being proactive.

  6. Yeah, I would prefer he takes a shower before. Same for me.
    But I’m a “clean girl” and almost over-wash my poor vagina 😂

  7. Guys (and girls) yes shower before and be super clean. It just makes everything so much nicer:)

  8. I really care as long as you’re not grungy (like it’s been 3 days or something since your last shower). More often than not it just smells a little musty down there, eh, it’s whatever. But if it’s been a hot second, you get crusty around the head, you’ll have a smell (a smelly smell that smells smelly) and you’ll have a very strong urine taste and smell as well and that isn’t pleasant and I’m going to ask you to go wash your dirty ass. A day of work, sure, no problem. Just out of the shower?? Give me the lollipop 🍭 right now! A day and a half maaaaybe 2 (but that’s pushing it)? Eh, I’d rather you be cleaner but I really don’t care. Longer than that, I really don’t want it near my face. Go wash your crusty ass, and then I’ll gladly go to town.

  9. Being clean before intimacy is never a bad idea. Both ways. Unless one of the other have smell/odor kink they want to entertain.

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