I rely heavily on apps like WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter, I’m in them all day long, and to make a long story short, using them so much has started to affect me ***a lot*** both psychologically and in my day to day life. Mostly Instagram, I spend all day looking at the stories posted by the people I follow, I respond stories just for the sake of it, and if the other person doesn’t answer my Dm’s I get hella sad, like seriously, and that dependence unconsciously and consciously affects my self-esteem and security, that’s how dependable I am from this app.

And understandably so, I would like to get away from those apps for a few days, but I have that part of me that feels like if I don’t go on Instagram for a few days I’ll lose all my friends, which I know I won’t, but I have that incoherent fear, and everything becomes a loop from which I don’t know how to get out, I mean, I know how, but it’s hard, like my brain rejects to take action on it.

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