My boyfriend (C) and i have been dating for about 6 months. About 3 months in we started long distance as i started college.

I just got out of an extremely toxic relationship a bit before i found my current boyfriend. My ex was a bit of a narcissist and i’m still dealing with a lot of what he did to me during the relationship. So far my relationship with C has been amazing. He has done nothing but been my prince charming i’ve waited my whole life for. He’s a been more of an introvert than what i’m used to but i can be aswell so understand a bit of how he thinks. My ex used to facetime me every night and only suggested not facetiming me when he was mad at me or it was punishment. C has his social battery drained very quickly and often needs time alone but i can’t help but feel crazy when he doesn’t want to facetime. Recently we just returned to long distance again after seeing each other briefly. I can’t help but notice he is just more distant. He doesn’t seem to have battery for me anymore and he has a school break and instead of inviting me to do something, he’s been making other plans with people and then complaining about how it drains him. Another thing to note is he had a poor memory. when i ask him at 10 AM if he wants to hangout and he says yes. I’ll follow up with it again and he says “oh sure? is that what you want?”As if he didn’t already agree. Sometimes he’ll say yes and then when i ask again hell say no because he doesn’t remember saying yes.I love this boy so much and he’s the sweetest guy. i cant help but think he’s not interested in me anymore. Is this my fault? is this an insecurity i should be working on? or is this something i should talk to him about again?

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