What is your most conservative opinion?

  1. I was born in Canada, but grew up in a European country, I used to be extremely anti gun. I have been back in Canada for almost two decades (I’m older) and have met many people who own guns and hunt, or go to shooting ranges, and I am generally okay with it. I am still not absolutely pro-gun, but I’m also not absolutely no-gun.

  2. Kids currently need more structure, responsibility, and independence. There is soo much learned helplessness from helicopter parenting.

  3. I mean, I’m pro gun, but if you move far enough into being Socialist, you get your guns back

    My most conservative opinion… is that we need to return to traditional values, like not wearing seatbelts, smoking indoors, like in the hospital waiting room and restaurants and airplanes. And we should adopt the European tradition of serving alcohol at every McDonald’s and all movie theaters.

  4. The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s may have done more harm than good for women.

  5. Freedom of speech is a right for *everyone*. Even the people that you hate. Even the most vile, racist, homophobic, ableist (etc) people *in the world.* They have the right to say what they wanna say no matter how much it hurts your feelings.

    “So and so aren’t allowed to say xyz.” Or, “So and so can’t say xyz because of___”

    Like, no.

    They can say whatever they want even when it’s terrible. They’re not free from the consequences of their words though.

    For example, drop a racial slur and prepare to either get canceled across the internet and buried in so much hate that you have to delete your social media. *Or* prepare for the possibility of getting beat in the streets.

    I’ve seen both situations happen and they’re always eye opening.

  6. My most conservative opinion would be that certain elements of mass media should be more restricted. Ads for prescription medicine, alcohol, cigarettes and gambling should be banned. Clickbait titles should be forbidden. Newspapers that routinely spread misinformation should be penalized.

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