Me and my girlfriend (both 20) are now for 3 months in a relationship. After 2 month we had sex. Everything was good for the first time and it was a beautiful experience. Here comes the problem: For some reason she is in pain when I put in my dick and we have to stop immediately. Whats the reason for that and what can we do to make sex fun for her?
Thanks for help!

  1. There are many conditions that can cause this such as vaginismus.

    But she doesn’t need Reddit, she needs to go a a gynecologist. Some of these conditions are not serious some are.

    You shouldn’t be trying to have sex with her if it causes pain. Get her to a doctor.

  2. Try using a good silicone based lube like Exxtreme Glide Silicone, Pjur Backdoor, Uberlube…

    UTIs and yeast/fungal imbalances are common, especially in the beginning, and may need specific treatment.

  3. They may want to see a pelvic floor physical therapist. My partner helps people with similar issues pretty frequently.

  4. People aren’t wrong, but just before we jump the gun, you’re doing foreplay, right? Not just going for it dry? I mean I’d hope you got the memo at some point by 20, but just in case.

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