What to do when catcalled (or uncomfortably stared upon)?

  1. I ignore it. Unless they get in my face, in which case I get mean

    Last time I was surrounded by a group of guys in an underground parking lot, I just barged through them and told them to fuck off. Probably not the safest way to handle it but it’s an instinctual response from me

  2. I mean, the safest thing is to ignore it. You don’t want to antagonize someone who has already shown that they clearly don’t respect social boundaries.

  3. Even if I want to call them out on their behavior, I cant coz I’m scared. Depending on how tough I’m feeling, I roll my eyes or just look away.

  4. No response at all. Don’t react. They want a reaction, they don’t get it. Walk away without any reaction. Keep yourself safe.

  5. I give them the death glare until they look away.
    If they continue, I give them a shout.
    And if I’m walking somewhere and there isn’t enough space to pass the 3 guys going in the other direction and none of them makes enough space for me to pass, then one of them gets a shoulder tackle.

    No patience for such BS.

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