What your 18th good or bad?

  1. My mum hired the function room of a local working men’s club and we had a disco. Standard for 16 years ago.

  2. Went and got pissed legally, in the same pubs I’d been getting pissed in illegally since I was 15

  3. On the actual day (thurs) i went to see “wish you were here then to the pub and hacienda , got dumped (a godsend as it turned out)…. No big party as such just a group of friends going out as per

    On the Saturday I went to see echo and the bunnymen in Liverpool …. so not bad really

  4. Bought a pack of cigs and got a tattoo because I could, went to a restaurant with my family in the evening, waited 2 hours to be seated, then went to a nightclub with my brother because none of my friends wanted to come.

  5. My best mates birthday was the day after so we went on a cocktail run in bars we’d never tried to sneak into then went and got pissed in the club we’d been going to for 3 years. Told the bouncer it was my birthday so he asked for ID. He did laugh when I handed over my provisional.

  6. Had a small party at my house as my friends at the time were controlling and wouldn’t allow me to go out without them (they were underage). I’ve since cut contact with those friends over 2 years ago and have been thriving ever since

  7. House party. It actually wasn’t mine and I didn’t know the kid, more of a friend of a friend of a friend. Brought a bottle of JD with me. Drank it all. Puked. Pissed against a wall. Lost my phone. Blacked out.

    Just standard teenager stuff really.

  8. Went out to our family-favourite restaurant, then to the pub and walked from Harrow to Wembley in the rain at 2am. Good night tbf.

  9. Had a bit too much to drink, went slightly bat shit crazy, came round to find I was fighting policemen

    Night in cells, court in the morning
    Got kicked out of flat

  10. An ‘A’ level.

    Waited a couple of weeks till all the exams finished then had a party st the youth club I went to. No alcohol, as most of the people there were underage, and it was a church youth club anyway.

  11. Went to the pub and got pissed with my mates. I think that was the only acceptable way to celebrate in the early 2000s

  12. I never saw my dad after this due to my mum’s lying. She prohibited him to contact me, and gaslighted me that he never cared. Upcoming A levels, and other stress.
    I just remembered feeling so isolated, sad and extremely suicidal.

  13. Spent the afternoon in a pub with my college classmates reading porno mags before staggering home in the snow.

  14. Had a family party. Drank between 1.5L and 2L of Southern Comfort and still wasn’t the most pished person there.

    My aunt (who rarely drinks) tried to go drink-for-drink with my mum and her pal who normally went through a 1L bottle of Bacardi a week (plus a couple bottles of wine). My uncle abandoned her at my parents house and took their kids home as he was ashamed of how drunk she was. My dad, my other uncle and I took her home on a wheelbarrow.

  15. I made cakes which I took into school and we had them during lessons. Went to Starbucks for one of them as there were only 3 other people in that class.

  16. I wanted to go to the pub with my friend who turned 18 same day and other group. My older sister ratted me out to my dad so I didnt get to go. Instead I sat on the stairs whilst I got lectured over why I needed my passport.

    Fair to say they werent best pleased come Monday morning at school.

    0/10 rating for my 18th. Sucked. Doesnt matter though, I had been going to house parties on the quiet since 14.

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