I have a friend who lives out of the states. She doesn’t want to live in the USA. (understandably) She comes back here to work for two to three months. (She collects bonus pay, and whatever income she makes from her wages) and goes back to her home out of the states.

She has stayed with me once before prior to this time I am mentioning. Made her money, and went back home within 2 1/2 months.

I have a 2bd/1bth. I should also mention that I am a single Mom. So it is just myself, and my daughter. (Mind you my space is not that big. So my friend stays in my room because I don’t have any other space for her.)

The plan was for her to come here mid May (Which has passed) and stay for work until August (also passed) Somewhere in-between these two to three months she realized her jumping back in forth from the USA to out of states wasn’t practical for her anymore..so she told me she was going to get an apartment here by the end of August, and leave my apartment.

(Sidenote: She is suppose to fly back to her place out of state (this weekend) to get the rest of her things so that when she does move she has it, but I am SO fed up with this arrangement now.

Nothing has panned out, and I am tired of her crowding my space. She is messy, and I am starting to feel REALLY uncomfortable with her here. I have asked her twice now; “What’s your plan?” She literally gets all depressed, then starts blaming her parents on how they didn’t prepare her properly for adult hood, and then cries (Yes.I am serious.) I’ve even said “Why don’t you just keep your apartment out of state while you still can?” She then harps on, and on about how she can’t afford it. Which I don’t understand that because before she got here she would boast about how much cheaper everything was living out of state.

I am SOOOO overwhelmed..

It will be Nov soon, and her credit in addition to her not living in the USA for the past almost two years has gotten her a lot of rift with different properties.

She hasn’t helped with any bills. Rent/Utilities/Car Note/Insurance (She uses my car to get around, everywhere,and has honestly ran up several miles now. She did offer to pay for an oil change). She does help with tolietries, and she has helped keep my little one twice while I needed to work, but outside of that does nothing else.

I manage pretty decently with all my bills on my own, my point in not ask for anything was so she could stack her money.

She has had a job at Amazon for the past four months that pays her 600.00/weekly. AFTER TAXES!

She claims to only have about 700.00 saved, but I am SO confused. She doesn’t help me with ANY of my bills, and her total cost of living out of states is only 550.00 this includes rent, internet, and utilities. 2400 x 4 is 9,600… minus the 550.00 each month she’s needed to send back to keep her out state apartment ..which is still over 6,000 left! She doesn’t even buy groceries because I even help with that so she could save!

I obviously don’t breathe down her neck about where she spends her money, but how is it that you only have 700.00.saved, and you have NO bills, and you only send 550 to cover all of your bills out of state once per month.

I’m so frustrated! I care about her, and don’t want her to feel helpless, but Its been 6months. I am tired..idk what to do…I am growing resentful. I WILL NOT do this EVER again.

Someone give me a backbone perhaps? Or advice on what to do. Idk wtf to do..🤷🏾‍♀️

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