Why don’t men wipe after a pee and usually only shake it off?

  1. Because we don’t dribble all over our genitals and down our thighs like some women do.

  2. Saves on toilet paper, that shits expensive. Incidentally that also makes shit expensive.

  3. If I’m at the urinal, I’m not going to turn around and walk to a stall with my dick out just to wipe the tip… That’s why I only whip it out and walk around the bathroom with it like it’s a directional compass

  4. If there’s toilet paper on hand, I do. Anywhere else, I don’t. No amount of shaking is going to make it as dry as a dab of TP.

  5. Vigorous shaking is usually fine. Unless it’s right after I shower, in which case I don’t wanna feel dirty, so I blot the tip with some tissue to feel cleaner. Also before sex, seems polite.

  6. It’s an opening the size of a rice grain on the tip of a cone. Nothing gets wet.

  7. Because shaking it or twirling it around like a helicopter propeller does the job.

  8. I don’t even hold my unit when I pee. My shake is a little shimmy shake before I grab the elastic waistband of my underwear and flop in back inside. Wiping it down just seems too much for my lazy pee style

  9. Because my kinky gf is into the golden showers so don’t mind a Lil something extra

  10. Because public urinals don’t have something within grabbing distance and schools discourage walking over to the towel dispenser with your dick out.

  11. I learned really early to wipe the head. My uncle learned it in the military and passed it down to me. Otherwise you end up smelling like piss all day. Or end up the guy with a wet stain on the front of his pants

  12. I trained my son to clean himself with water afterwards and wash his hands. All about hygiene.

  13. As a man I absolutely do not understand that. The action of shaking will send one or several drops of pee in a random direction. Why would anyone want to risk a pee stain on their clothes? Plus after you shake it’s still wet or at least a little humid. You have to dry your dick, a humid environment promotes the developpement of bacteria etc. It’s really unhygenic.

  14. WTH is up with all these questions lately about men’s urination habits?

    We don’t wipe because we shake it.

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