I feel like this is a becoming a problem. Its not every time over all, but for the last 4 sessions it has been. Every time I cum Ive been on the brink of tears, and I have literally balled my eyes out after before while laughing at the same time out of confusion. I sound absolutely mental but the orgasm is great, and I swear I am stable outside of this in all manners. I love my bf and he comforts me and we laugh together about it – but I just wanna know WHY this happens.

  1. Totally normal, powerful emotional release with powerful orgasms is common, you have a good man

  2. You’re normal, just a release of emotions. This happens to me when using and vibrator while having sex. Though my bf will stop right before i cum to console me haha.

  3. I have literally burst into tears and cried really hard a couple times… it’s totally normal!!! Just a release of lots of strong feelings and emotions!! 🥰

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