I (female) work in a grocery store and I have a little crush on one of my supervisors. He’s not a manager yet but the company has a policy against anyone in a higher position dating their coworkers within the same department. So I haven’t tried anything. But I got an offer for another job and I might be leaving the store within the next couple months. Is it super creepy if I just write my name and number down on a piece of paper and put it on his windshield on my last day? There’s no way I will give it to him/tell him I’m interested in person before someone says that. I have a lot of social anxiety and I know 100% I would chicken out. But is this too weird? I have no clue if he’s interested, we make eye contact a lot and I can feel him looking at me sometimes when I’m turned away but I also build things up in my head so it’s hard to decipher what is reality and what I’m blowing out of proportion. We’re also both pretty quiet/reserved compared to our coworkers, so we’ve talked casually but not about anything but work.

  1. Yes it is weird. Rather walk up to him a day or two before you are set to leave and say “Hey, since I won’t be working here anymore, I would love to grab a drink with you soon. Here is my number. Shoot me a text if you are interested”.

  2. No it is not weird, if I found this on my car, I would love it. What’s the big deal if you’re not working there anymore.

  3. Shoot your shot girl! What’s the worst that can happen? As far as I can see there is only upside.

  4. it would be better in person but if i got this and liked the person back i’d be ecstatic

  5. Something similar happened to me at the gym. A girl left her number on my car asking me out to lunch. I put on my investigator cap and googled her number as well as searched on Facebook. Turns out she had her phone number tied to her FB profile. She was married with children. Her husband a big gun collector. I found out who the girl was at the gym and avoided her like the plague

  6. Do it. If he’s single he’ll probably take the opportunity. He’s a dude……he probably likes you and if he doesn’t he’ll just not contact you.

  7. Gotta learn how to risk it for the biscuit. This isn’t weird so much as it’s very juvenile. It is weird between adults though.

  8. Kind of cool, but everyone else will see it too right? I’d just go for it directly. Say “hi I think you’re cool to be around. I’d love to hang out outside of work, here’s my number if you’re into it.” or something to that affect. He’ll know what you mean and he’ll say yes.

  9. Not a big deal, but as a felow anxious person I would see this as a prank and toss it. Maybe write your feelings and hand it to them and leave.

    This Happened at my last job, was flattered but nothing came of it. Very chill though and not awkward at all

  10. Hello, man here, if a girl did this to me I would worship the ground they stand on. But I also look like a living trash bag, so…. yea…..

  11. DO IT. Worst case scenario, you never see him again. Medium case scenario you go on a date with him and he’s trash. Best case scenario, you fall in love and they are a great person.

  12. It’s not creepy at all but, I will say that I recommend to ask him out. There’s truly no harm in asking him out directly. I will say that it’s very attractive when a girl makes a move especially since it doesn’t happen to guys very often and it takes some pressure off. It sounds like he does like you. Don’t let any negative thoughts hinder you, anytime they come to mind just reject themselves and keep positive affirmations. A positive mindset is key my friend. Keep us updated and don’t let the paper blow off the window if you go that route 🙂

  13. I wouldn’t put it on his windshield, just hand it to him or something.

    Aside from that, yes! 100%! Go for it!

  14. For all the commenters, if the roles were reversed, would you be saying the same thing?

    A male leaving notes on a woman’s car would be creepy.

    A woman wants to leave a note and it’s “yess! great idea”.


  15. It’s kinda creepy, best to give it directly or just ask directly. It doesn’t sound like there’s any hints or flirting/signs of interest other than looking. This could go either way.

    You could say something like “hey tomorrow’s (or today’s) going to be my last day. I’m going to miss you”

    Then you can gauge his response to that then respond with “do you want to keep in touch or grab (drinks, coffee, lunch, etc) together sometime?” Or you can ask that immediately following “I’m going to miss you.” It just depends how much you’re willing to be vulnerable. You can do it with or without gauging his response.

  16. Until the ‘might’ aspect of leaving your job turns into a ‘yes I am leaving to X other workplace’ happens, don’t give out your number.

    And I agree with the other poster about what if someone else gets the number? I wouldn’t risk it.

    Gymbros comment down below is perfect.

  17. I think this whole idea is bad. Do you really know him? Are you friends? It sounds to me like you want to see what happens as opposed to doing the socially acceptable thing of becoming friends

  18. OP, I know you’re anxious but if you and him have a rapport, I can’t imagine him not being down to get your number even if he thought it was for platonic reasons.

    It’s so common now to just hand someone your phone and let them just make themselves one of your contacts.

    If you even suspect he likes you and he’s a more reserved dude, literally walk up to him, ask if you can put your number in his phone cause you’d like to keep in touch, there’s a 95% chance he’ll let you, and, if you’re feeling bold, you can name yourself “Ex-Coworker who likes you” or something super obvious to give him the message without saying it verbally.

    This is a generalization but…men are easy OP. We literally just want to know that you’re interested in us so we can act accordingly without worry of being perceived as creepy.

  19. I was in this situation once. I actually found him on social media and messaged him there. I had the same concerns you have now about leaving a note and I was too chicken to talk to him face to face as well.

  20. Don’t do it. If this post were reverse, women would be telling the man to not be a creep and give it to them in person.

    Just do it in person.

  21. Please hand it to him directly. If you put it on the car, there is a higher chance of him being creeped out and straight out avoid you (even if he was interested in you).

  22. You just misunderstood him. Everyone makes eye contact and that doesn’t mean they’re interested. It’s just a human nature

  23. I wouldn’t find it weird.

    I see some people mentioned giving it to him in person. The good thing about that is you don’t have to wonder if he got it. If you put it on his car, there’s a chance he may not get it.

  24. Did you hit and run his car? If not and you dig the dude man up and just ask him directly.

  25. It might be easier to leave it on his desk as a note when he’s not there on the last day.

  26. Give it, or leave on windshield, it doesn’t matter so much. You went for it. But one of the benefits of giving it to him is that you get a little bit of exposure therapy to a situation that causes you anxiety… it’s low risk, if you walk away feeling rejected or embarrassed then there are no consequences beyond what’s in your own mind.

    So giving it to him direct is an opportunity to do something that might reduce social anxiety, and build social skills, for the future. But if you’re not up to that there’s no reason to feel bad, use whatever strategy you can cope with but try not to get too attached to a specific outcome. Trying is what’s important – it takes courage.

  27. I’d suggest not to leave a note on the car, although not a bad idea. The opportunity may not arise to give him a note. Instead, send him an email?

  28. He might think someone crashed into his car. Also I’m not sure I would call a random number when I don’t know what it is about.

  29. When I was a young man, I would stop at this coffee shop after work before going to night school. The barista would chat me up a bit but I never thought much about it. One day she was telling me how much she really enjoyed this book she just read. Then handed it to me and insisted I read it. When I got home, I cracked it open and found her name & number on a scrap of paper. It was the smoothest play I ever seen.

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