Allright so I’m gonna start by saying that I know I have to talk to him about it, and I will!
But, maybe some of you could give me some insight idk

Ok so I (27f) am talking to this guy (29m) I met on a dating app. Who also lives in my appartement building lol.
We’ve been texting non stop for a little over a month now. We text every day and hang out at least twice a week. We hook up as well.
At the start we talked about it being mostly physical and I thought the same. But he turned out to be wayyy more interesting than I thought. I told him that I liked him more than I expected and he said he wasn’t sure about whether it could be more because he didn’t feel butterflies. But he did say he thinks we’re a great match and that butterflies may come later.
But we continued texting and hanging out all the time. We talk about everything, a lot of personal things as well.
His behaviour changes every day. One day he seems way more into it, next day it’s a little less and the next day he texts me the whole day, sometimes even double or triple texts when I haven’t responded yet. But we text or say goodnight every night. When we’re hanging out he has been more cuddly and kissy. And when we kiss he looks at me and he smiles all cute and he looks really happy.
He also ordered cans of soda specifically for me. The kind he does not like himself but he got a lot for me and even different kinds.
I’m just a little confused because it feels way more of a connection than just fwb. I know he’s a very friendly person but idk this seems a lot for just friends you know.

I know i have to talk to him about it again, but I don’t wanna scare him off. He’s been an amazing friend as well.
I also may be waayyyyyy overthinking this lol.

Just wondering if someone has some insight in a guy’s mind or a similar situation

  1. So it’s been about a month since you started something with him?

    I say bring it up casually the next time you and him are hanging out together. If he still says he’s not sure then that’s where you should pull back. Pulling back means being less responsive to his texts and being less available to hangout with him. But you should only do this if you’re the one who wants a relationship and he’s the one who is being indecisive.

  2. If they hung around after you first brought up your growing interest, that’s at least something, and they certainly seem interested in a closeness more than simply hooking up from time to time. You should probably decide if you want to establish something more definitive, or keep things ambiguous, then go from there.

  3. A little bit to add:
    He talks to his friends about me. He showed my picture and his friend knew my first and last name lol. I was messing with him and asking is he was gossiping about me but it was only positive things he said

    We hung out when I was on my period and he was very aware of it. So no sexy time and he knew

    He told HIS DAD about me??? I’m not sure what he told him, might just be something like ‘i have a neighbour who is very nice and not old’ since we live in a flat with 90% elderly people

    His best friend wanted to hang out with him but he already had plans with me so his friend texted him ‘nice man! Next time’
    I also met his best friend a few weeks ago when we came home at the same time and they walked right towards me instead of the elevator

    Edit to add I also decorated his christmas tree!!! And got him some ornaments while I was shopping. He said to just get some if they were really nice and he’d pay me back

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