Ladies, what are the first few actions you do when you wake up to a new day?

  1. Before anything else, I take my medication. Afterwards, I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, do some skincare and then I get dressed.

  2. Stretch, maybe cry, meditate, journal, listen to music, M-F wake up kids, skin care routine, drink tea

  3. Chug some water, cuddle for 5 extra minutes, slam back a coffee, journal, poop, run/gym, and shower.

  4. Press snooze. Go back to sleep.

    Repeat as many times as it takes for my bladder to force me out of bed.


    Trip #2 to the toilet for #2.

    Hopefully by then I’ve woken up enough to decide what else I’m doing with the day.

  5. Feed my cats, pee, brush my teeth, shower, start the coffee maker, get dressed, drink coffee.

  6. Put on my slippers, go to the bathroom, let the dogs out and feed them, make breakfast and coffee, eat/drink that while reading for a few mins

  7. Grab my phone and swipe through social media for a bit until I can’t put off going to pee. Make coffee, read the news, take a shower, drink more coffee, get ready for work

  8. Pee. Immediately. Hopefully in the toilet…get outta my wayyyy, children. Then it’s usually tea, don’t speak to me, children. I’ve been a mama for 22 years now and I am *tired*. After my tea it’s usually safe to approach me with whatever nonsense they want this time haha

  9. I lie in bed for a while, going through my daily small life crisis, before checking social media, changing my pet’s water and refill their food if necessary, and brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine.

  10. Bathroom, pills&water, lay back down and make my plan for the day, send my wordle results to my son, browse/research/reddit until it’s time to take the dogs out. Most days I try to add some walkout pushups…but usually dogs get in the way.

  11. My morning routine then go annoy my kid for a few minutes, make us some breakfast, hang out for a bit until it’s time to go to school/work. Weekends vary

  12. Brush my teeth, do my skincare, get dressed then get breakfast or vice versa, make a list of things I need to do that day.

  13. Check phone and breakfast. I only have breakfast and lunch so the moment I open my eyes, the first thing I think about is food.

  14. Have a wee, super quick shower, teeth, downstairs, unload dishwasher, do my son’s breakfast and drink, sort his clothes out for school, once he’s off to school I clean away breakfast dishes, make myself a brew, go up to my office and start work.

  15. I pretty much roll out of bed, groan and trudge straight downstairs to the coffee machine, sometimes picking up a needy heel-licking dog on the way

  16. Check the time on my phone, get up and put pyjama pants and slippers on, go pee, put coffee on, put my hair up out of my face and check the weather out the window while I wait for coffee.

  17. Scroll through phone till my tummy forces me out of bed, poop, walk dogs, take pills, drink coffee and sit. Then get ready for gym and stuff

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