Basically, I hooked up with a girl around a month ago and for the past couple of weeks we’ve been hanging out a lot as friends. I’m not gonna like but I’ve caught mad feelings for her but she’s openly flinging with other guys. She’s admitted that I’m a date-able guy but I don’t think she wants a relationship right now.
How do I get this girl to prioritize me over the other guys she’s talking to? I really like this girl and I can see myself being with her in the long run.

  1. If she’s not already she probably won’t. Tough to say but it’s honestly proved to be true my whole life.

  2. Pull back a bit, but that could easily backfire bc ur not her only source of attention.

    Idk. Ur pry fucked if she isnt already and the other guy doesnt lose interest

  3. Take a half step back, and when she comments on it, explain how you’re not interested in sharing her anymore (don’t come across as needy or be too keen on saying how much you like her) and then the decision is her’s to make

    If she doesn’t notice and comment on it, then there’s nothing to be done anyway

  4. You’re not going to succeed. She has made it clear from her actions that she is only interested in casual hookups.

    If you’re looking for something other than a FWB look elsewhere for a partner.

  5. You’ve got to improve her life in some way, shape, or form in order for her to want to be with you (or anyone).

    That can be in experiencing new activities or hobbies, opening up her mind with stimulating conversation, and treating her to exciting dates.

    Even small things like sending her flowers, texting saying you’re thinking of her (not in a perverted way), or offering to UberEats her some chicken tenders when she says she’s hungry but doesn’t want to go to the store. That kind of stuff, just effort in general.

    Figure out what you have to offer and make the effort. If you do better than the other guys and she’s not emotionally unavailable it will probably work.

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